2. Getting started

Let's take a look at the function maximum from the Standard Haskell Prelude:

maximum :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
maximum [] = error "Prelude.maximum: empty list"
maximum xs =  foldl1 max xs

It’s pretty clear what this function does from its name and the type signature. But the implementation, although short, is not trivial.

Let's reduce an expression to understand this function better:

  1. Download the SteppablePrelude.hs and put it in the required folder as described on this page
  2. Define a file called Example.hs with the following content:
{-# OPTIONS -XNoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Example where

import SteppablePrelude

result = maximum [1, 2, 3]

To prevent naming conflicts, the automatic import of the Standard Haskell Prelude has to be disabled with the Option -XNoImplicitPrelude.

  1. Now start the stepper using this command:
substep step -p Example.hs -c True -f result -v 1

You get this output:

**Reduction of example**
maximum [1, 2, 3]

{- skipping 3 substeps -}

{- Replace with matching pattern -}
foldl1 (max) [1, 2, 3]

{- skipping 4 substeps -}

{- Replace with matching pattern -}
foldl (max) 1 [2, 3]

{- skipping 4 substeps -}

{- Replace with matching pattern -}
foldl (max) (max 1 2) [3]

{- skipping 4 substeps -}

{- Replace with matching pattern -}
foldl (max) (max (max 1 2) 3) []

{- skipping 4 substeps -}

{- Replace with matching pattern -}
max (max 1 2) 3

{- (Strict) reduce application argument -> Evaluate unsteppable function/operator max -}
max 2 3

{- Evaluate unsteppable function/operator max -}

{- reduction completed successfully -}

Now, the behavior of the maximum function (as well as the foldl function) should make much more sense.

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